What has also helped me identify the alignment in my friendships is: How does the other person step up when I'm not able to bring to the connection what I normally being?
It goes with the thought that no relationship is 50-50. It's sometimes 70-30 and sometimes 5-95. Making the choice to build, navigate and sustain the friendship in every combination really really stands out.
All factors are bang on!
What has also helped me identify the alignment in my friendships is: How does the other person step up when I'm not able to bring to the connection what I normally being?
It goes with the thought that no relationship is 50-50. It's sometimes 70-30 and sometimes 5-95. Making the choice to build, navigate and sustain the friendship in every combination really really stands out.
Yes totally agree. I love the 50-50, 70-30, 5-95 analogy. I personally have started visualizing a lot of my relationships like this.