Welcome! We're at the 20% mark on our 25-week adventure.
What answer do you give when someone asks about your favorite color? My response used to depend on my mood and would change occasionally. However, I've recently discovered one color that has remained a constant in my life.
Last week, I was on a call with a friend, doing what we do best—LinkedIn stalking. It's my way of mixing a bit of my teen self (curious about what everyone's up to) with my more grown-up self (keen on scoping out credentials and career moves for a bit of inspiration).
While we were chatting about possibly needing better LinkedIn headshots, my friend made an interesting observation:
“Columbia was destined for you—look at your educational history. All your school colors are BLUE.”
This realization got me thinking: blue, whether I've consciously acknowledged it or not, has played a significant role in my life.
Let's explore the major blue aspects of my life and how they became a part of my journey.
Blue #1 - The Doon School
Mom Determines My Destiny
For those unaware, I originally come from Faizabad (now Ayodhya), though I haven't lived there since 2011. Initially, I found it hard to explain my origins, but now I happily say Ayodhya as it gives me quite a lot of attention and clout these days.
But, back in the day, Ayodhya lacked reputable schools, leading my sister to attend boarding school starting in Grade 1. Curious about my journey, I frequently asked my mom when it would be my turn, to which she would respond,
“Not yet. You are going to The Doon School. They only accept students in the 7th and 8th grade. My friend’s husband is from there and she is sending her sons there as well. You will also be a Dosco!”
Blue #2 - Chelsea FC
At school, I witnessed seniors, fiercely emotional during football matches, screaming in support every Saturday night. Drawn to that atmosphere, I, too, would find a spot at the back to watch the games.
Initially unfamiliar with the league, clubs, players, or trophies, I naturally gravitated towards supporting the team in blue, Chelsea. However, I kept an open mind, not rushing into loyalty. Yet, as months and years passed, the club I consistently found myself rooting for remained the one in blue!
I’m super excited to catch the Chelsea vs. United game on April 4 (my first time at the Bridge!).
Blue #3 - UCLA
SAT Fluke and Last Minute Changes
Because of my poor SAT scores, career counselors suggested I apply for Early Decision (ED) at Wesleyan, and I went along with it. They also advised against retaking the SATs, fearing worse results could harm my chances. Of course, I nodded in agreement, but secretly, I made another attempt.
Somehow, with minimal preparation compared to my previous tries, I scored impressively well just four days before the application deadline. This led me to overhaul my entire college list. I switched my Early Decision application to Northwestern and added several new schools, including UCLA, to my list.
The blue school had somehow made it to my list.
UCLA or USC: A Quick Uninformed Choice
I only got into West Coast colleges and was faced with choosing either UCLA or USC. Looking back, I'm astonished by how impulsively I made decisions.
During a visit to my counselor for advice, he gave a straightforward opinion:
“USC is known as University of Spoilt Children. Go with UCLA.”
Decision time → 2 minutes
Research done → None
Life impacted → From 2016 to forever
Perhaps it was fate, but choosing UCLA extended my ongoing journey with the color blue.
Blue #4 - My First Car
While living and working in LA, having a car became necessary for my daily commute. While my friends were opting for leases, my impending visa expiration meant I was on the lookout for a used car that I could easily sell later.
I looked at Nissans, Hondas, and Toyotas, but couldn't find anything in decent condition with reasonable pricing or mileage. That's when a friend mentioned that her friend was looking to sell his grandmother's car. It was well-kept and clocked less than 50,000 miles—this sounded the perfect fit.
And as fate would have it, the car was a BLUE 2010 Volkswagen Eos.
Blue #5 - My Job History
Over my three years working full-time in the US, I transitioned through three distinct roles: one at an AI company, another within a healthcare and legal solutions firm, and finally, at a mattress company.
Yes, somehow, all their logos are blue!
Blue #6 - MBA School
Fed Up With Your Job? Do An MBA!
After UCLA, I found myself unhappy with my mundane, low-paying job. While comparing myself to others isn't the healthiest approach, it was hard not to feel a bit down knowing I had the lowest salary among my friends. Additionally, after six years, life in LA had become too repetitive for my liking.
That's when a friend mentioned he was considering pursuing an MBA. Following some in-depth research (essentially, Googling why people opt for MBAs), I discovered that many pursue it for career changes, higher salaries, networking opportunities, and of course, the degree itself. Given my current state of stagnation, these benefits sounded particularly appealing, leading me to a quick decision: Kanav will pursue an MBA.
A Life-Altering Trip to NYC
Heading into 2022, I set two major goals: land a new job in NYC and excel on the GMAT. By August 2023, I hadn't ticked off either. Despite making it to the final round in four job interviews in a challenging market, I couldn't secure a job switch. Accepting that maybe it wasn't my time, I shifted my focus entirely to the GMAT.
Then, a trip to New Orleans happened. While my friends planned to move on to NYC, I initially decided to return to LA to study. But, in typical fashion, the FOMO struck hard. I made a last-minute decision to join them in NYC, even if it meant enduring a 6-hour flight on Frontier back to LA. That spur-of-the-moment decision would completely change the next 12 months of my life.
During a visit to some friends who had recently moved to NYC, I loved hearing about their exciting new lives and couldn't shake off a sense of envy. I told myself then,
"I know recruiting has been a letdown this year, but the life my friends are living in NYC deserves one last try."
Back in LA, still inspired by my trip, I dove back into the recruiting process. By September, I secured an offer, and by early October, I moved to NYC!
Reflecting on it, I'm still amazed by how significantly that trip influenced my path. While I can't say this move directly led me to CBS, I believe it played a crucial role indirectly. Columbia values applicants' commitment to choosing them, and my experience living in NYC was a highlight of my application essays.
How My Friend is The Reason for My Successful GMAT Attempt
By April, I was loving life in NYC. No GMAT materials had been touched and I was heading for Coachella! A few days before my trip, I was on a call with a friend who was also applying for his MBA. I told him I would begin studying in May or June and his response was a game changer:
“I get wanting to take your time, but don’t forget CBS's early decision deadline is in June. Might be time to step it up.”
He was spot on. Out of fear and guilt, I booked a GMAT attempt for April 20th, the day I was flying out for Coachella. Soon, I realized I had made a panic-driven mistake given I hadn’t touched GMAT materials since January. But, the cost to change the date was steep, so I figured I'd just sit for it and cancel the score if needed.
For those who don’t know this story, I still tell my friends that if one could pull the recording of my GMAT attempt and see my face when the final score flashed, the shock on my face would be priceless to witness! Somehow, I had nailed it. Coachella suddenly seemed like a breeze.
A huge shoutout to my friend, whose nudge, though fear-induced, finally closed the chapter on my stressful GMAT saga.
Blue Wasn’t a Choice!
In this MBA application cycle, I applied to seven programs. In the end, I was admitted to just two: Columbia and LBS. As it turns out, both the school colors are blue!
It's fascinating how life happens—my unhappy job and monotonous life convinced me to pursue an MBA, a spontaneous trip convinced me to move to NYC, and a friend’s cautionary advice led me to schedule what turned out to be my most successful GMAT attempt. This series of events guided me to CBS, marking my third educational journey in blue.
Has one particular color consistently appeared throughout your life?
Weekly Health Hack - No Nut Nutrition
I'm not saying that nuts like almonds, cashews, pistachios, peanuts, etc., aren't healthy. They indeed are, but they're also rich in fats and quite calorie-dense.
For those aiming to lose weight or achieve a leaner appearance, I'd suggest moderating your intake of these nuts.
Refer to this chart for guidance on their nutritional facts if you're uncertain:
Weekly Non-Stereotypical Song Recommendation
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Email: kanavghai130@gmail.com