What I Currently Eat in a Day

This week, I've decided to share the daily diet I follow about 80% of the time. While I'm not suggesting you replicate this exactly—since your portions and nutritional needs may vary—it can serve as a template for a balanced macronutrient diet.

Food Tags → c = carbohydrates; p = protein; f = fats

Wake Up → Chai [c+f] (100-150 calories)

Breakfast → Three Eggs + Grilled Chicken [p] (600-700 calories)

Lunch → White Rice + Chicken [c+p] (600-700 calories)

Pre-Workout → Black Coffee (0 calories)

Evening Meal → Oats, Whey, Berries, Almond Milk [c+p] (350-400 calories)

Dinner → Lentils + Chicken [c+p] (450-500 calories)

Total Daily Intake → 2200-2500 calories
p = 200+ grams
c = 175-200 grams
f = 60-80 grams