So long, chai drinkers! Today, I made my first cup of chai at my new home in NYC. So today, after an unforeseen hiatus (much shorter than what One Direction promised), we are kicking off our chai sessions. On a more serious note, apologies for this long gap; moving has been more hectic than usual.
Yacht Week
Yes, I survived Yacht Week and managed to transport 100 kilograms of luggage across the world. Whenever someone hears about my MBA trip, they seem super excited to get insights into what it’s like. Fellow readers, it’s safe to say that no chai was consumed on the yacht. Instead, it included meeting a ton of people, drinking all day, exploring Croatian villages, clubbing in castles, playing games to get even more drunk, and having daily gossip sessions over meals.

To sum it up, it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. No, literally. I loved it, but I cannot and must not do it again.
My Perfectionism Issue
Recently, my therapist commended my progress when we touched base before my move to the US. However, she mentioned that I need to work on my perfectionist mindset. She said it could become an issue. “You need to learn to manage when things aren’t exactly how you want them to be,” she said. At the time, I took it lightly.
Recently, though, I realized I struggled to be productive during my move. I couldn't work on the yacht. I couldn't work in the hotel. I couldn't work in a cafe, and I certainly couldn’t work in my empty apartment. Not having my chai, my desk, or the comfortable conditions I’m used to meant almost no work was done. All the goal-setting and productivity (ish) advice I have preached in this newsletter, I could not practice. My absence from CwG has been one of many symptoms of this issue.
Atomic Habits helped me a lot, but clearly, I did not focus enough on the 3rd Law - Make it Easy. To reduce the friction in my writing process, I’m going to force myself to write some drafts in my notes app during my usual NYC subway rides. Forcing myself to write in imperfect conditions could be a good start to fixing this mindset.
On the contrary, I do wonder whether I’m being too hard on myself. I did just move my entire life to another country. Do you ever feel confused about whether your self-criticism is too much or too little? I consistently struggle to find a balance.
Coming Soon…
This week, I will be going on my third and final pre-MBA trip to the Hamptons before college officially begins. Tune in next week to find out more about this trip!
Weekly Health Hack - Embrace Vulnerability
One thing I’ve noticed when it comes to health and wellness is that even people who are not well-read in the area find it difficult to completely accept their lack of knowledge and ask others for help. There is this inherent notion that showing vulnerability about being a novice in fitness or nutrition is uncomfortable or embarrassing.
However, my biggest progress has come when I’ve overcome this barrier and shamelessly asked questions. For instance, I ask people in the gym random questions about exercise forms, workout plans, and training strategies. From my experience, those who are knowledgeable love to share and pass on that information. This has tremendously helped my health and fitness journey.
“Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength.”
Weekly Non-Stereotypical Song Recommendation
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