The 9:20 PM (Plate-Macro) Rule
This hack is among my favorites for managing my calorie intake without the hassle of counting them. I picked up this rule from the renowned Jeff Cavaliere, and it's stuck with me due to its simplicity and emphasis on mindfulness over measured effort.
This rule helps in creating a balanced plate with Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fibrous Carbohydrates in specific proportions, guided by the '9:20 pm rule'.
The Rule Explained
When you're serving your meal, imagine your plate as a clock set to 9:20. The arrangement creates three sections on your plate, which should guide the distribution of your food. This visualization makes it easy to ensure a well-balanced meal, focusing on the quality and split of nutrients.
The 9:20 rule helps us split our plate in the following proportions:
Carbohydrates (20% of our plate) - Rice, Pasta, Bread, Sweet Potato, Potato, Tortillas, etc.
Protein (30% of our plate) - Chicken, Eggs, Tofu, Pork, Tempeh, etc.
Fibrous Carbohydrates (Vegetables) (50% of our plate) - Kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, etc.
Note: Concerned about how to apply this rule to your food delivery habits? No worries, you can still balance your meals with tiny adjustments:
Instead of opting for Pad Thai (which usually comes with minimal protein), try ordering rice with a vegetable and protein-based Thai curry.
When your Mediterranean bowl is heavy on rice, ask for double the protein, and don't finish all the rice.
Can't resist pizza? Limit yourself to 3-4 slices of a meat-topped pizza rather than 6 slices of a Margherita.
For burrito lovers, consider swapping out some of the rice filling for other options.
Even small tweaks like these can significantly impact your diet!
Still confused about Starchy Carbohydrates vs. Fibrous Carbohydrates? Click here for a more detailed explanation.